zondag 20 januari 2008

Stock agency's network, Selling and buying

When you are working with stockphoto's even if you make them, sell them or buy them, you need to have a large network. The network can never be to big. That's an open door of course, but a hugh amount of contacts cost a lot of time too.

You have to be selective and in this world there is a lot of competition. Photographers who manage there own stock-archive, others who are embedded in stock-agencies, photgraphers who are in tenth of agencies, or photographers who can hardly found but who are very good.

So you have to make a network of people, agency's, creatives, buyers, sellers who can depend on each other when they need something. Who wants to assign each other.. Allow them to earn their living. That's business.

And thats where I'm in too. I buy images from different photographers for clients and they ask me when they need something for their clients. Thats best for us AND for the clients because they don't to shop everywhere, ONE_STOP shopping :-)

A special good networking site is PHOTOGRAPHERS DIRECT. where I have, of course, an account to SELL images and another to BUY images! See my archive there: http://www.photographersdirect.com/buyers/search.asp?library=14660

Everybody can sell there there images (when the images are good enough... they can be declined) and everybody can buy images.

Of course there are a lot of other agencys and photographers we work with, they all heve there own clients and they all have there own unfullfilled image wishes and we are helping each other.

When you need images AND you have your own archive or network and you want to coƶperate in our NETWORK mail me at wolverlei@planet.nl.


vrijdag 18 januari 2008

Wolverlei Stockphoto Agency

Wolverlei Text and Images is more than a stockphoto-archive from Photographer Martin Stevens.
Not only a bunch of images where you can browse through, but complete fullfillment of your image wishes.
We have more than 200.000 images in our own archive (daily growing) and that's "nothing ..." BUT we can find all the images YOU want because of our networks around the world.
Our photographers collective "Nature Vision" has an archive of about 2 million images together and other photographers where we working with, a lot more.
And the agencies we are related to ... worldwide!

AND when it is not possible to deliver you a stock image, we go out and make it (when possible) for you, everywhere in the world. We do it ourself or we send our contracted professional photographers.

Wolverlei Tekst en Beeld is meer dan een foto archief van Martin Stevens. Niet alleen een hele hoop beelden waar je in kunt zoeken, maar we helpen beeldzoekers om het juiste beeld te vinden en aan te kopen. DAAR verschillen wij duidelijk van het eerste de beste stockbureau!

We hebben zelf meer dan 200.000 beelden in stock en dat groeit dagelijks, maar in ons fotografen collectief "Nature Vision" hebben we al meer dan 2 miljoen beelden en de ander fotografen en bureaus (wereldwijd!)waar we mee samenwerken hebben een veelvoud van dat aantal.

En als we het dan nog niet kunnen vinden gaan we het maken, waar dan ook ter wereld. We doen dat zelf of sturen een fotograaf waar we een contract mee hebben. Ook daarmee onderscheiden we ons van anderen.